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Calathea Makoyana

This cool Calathea Makoyana has a super unique look. In addition, this houseplant closes its leaves at night. A phenomenon you only see in the Calathea family.

Now it’s time to take good care of your cute Calathea:

Every week the Calathea needs 1/2 coffee cup of water. Better too dry than too wet! Too much water can cause root rot. Try to water a little more in the summer.

Avoid direct sunlight with the Calathea houseplant, shade/semi-shade spots are ideal. The correct room temperature for the Calathea Makoyana is 18-24 °C.  Also avoid cold and draft for this houseplant.

  • Highest quality plant
  • Fresh from the plant nursery
  • Delivered in most sustainable manner

More information

Every plant loves a little extra care! It is best for a Calathea to be repotted once every two to three years. It is best to repot in the spring, because then the growth period of the Calathea also starts, and the plant is strong enough to recover from the move. It is very important that the new pot is at least 20% larger than the old one and that it is filled with fresh potting soil.

Pruning is not necessary for the Calathea. The only thing that is good to do is watch the lower leaves and peel them down when they look limp. Be careful of the juice that gets out of the plant because it could irritate your skin.

Does your Calathea has less showing leaf drawings? This is probably the result of old age. You can fix this by just cutting off the leaf.

Does your Calathea have curling leaves? This is probably the result of a too dry location or to little water. You can fix this by giving a little extra water and changing the location of the plant.

Does your Calathea have dried leaves? This is probably the result of a too dry location or to little water. You can fix this by giving a little extra water and changing the location of the plant.


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Need help?

Has your plant had a little accident? Go to the contact page or contact us via the platform where you made your purchase. We will respond within 24 hours.

Also let us know if you have any further questions, we would be happy to help!



Light requirement
Water requirement
1/2 cup per week
18 to 24 °C
Latin name
Air purifying
Once every two years